My knitting story continues...
After completing the poncho, I attempted a couple more projects. I knit an open weave t-shirt which is scheduled to be frogged (didn't quite come out the way I had planned). My next lesson was learning about gauge. I knit the Funky Funnel Neck Fun sweater from
The Yarn Girls' Guide to Simple Knits, using Lion Brand Homespun in the color Prairie. Whoops, knit the whole thing using the wrong size needles (so THAT is what a swatch is for!).
I decided it was time for some formal instruction. I checked out the class list for one of my
LYS. In the list was a mitered square felted purse (with the description "the next thing after a scarf"). Perfect I thought! So, I ran down, signed up, purchased the wonderful Manos del Uruguay yarn and eagerly anticipated the first class. Fortunately, it turned out to be a semi-private class. They started with a long-tail cast on. All I had ever known was the simple cast-on. So, imagine someone who has never done a long tail cast-on, casting on 97 stitches. You KNOW I didn't get the length of the tail right. My instructor (who sadly has moved on, hopefully not due to her experience with me!)rescued me and cast on my stitches. I won't bore you with all the gruesome details, but at the end of many weeks, and with much hand holding, I accomplished mitered squares, kitchener stitch, i-cord bind-off, and felting! Here is the awesome (even if I do say so myself!) finished project: